
[TalkPython] 100 Days Of Web in Python

Тема в разделе "Курсы по программированию", создана пользователем floki, 6 май 2019.

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Основной список: 22 участников

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  1. 6 май 2019
    floki ОргОрганизатор

    [TalkPython] 100 Days Of Web in Python

    100 дней веб программирования на Python

    Автор Michael Kennedy (язык курса английский)

    Краткое описание курса

    # 100DaysOfWeb в Python - это курс, который обеспечит вам успех в решении 100-дневной задачи по коду, одновременно обучая вас веб-разработке на Python.
    Каждые 4 дня, посвященные другой концепции, вы будете поражены тем, сколько веб-технологий и библиотек Python вы изучите в этом путешествии. Присоединяйтесь к курсу и начните свой 100-дневный конкурс.

    Для кого этот курс?
    Этот курс предназначен для тех, кто знаком с основами Python и хочет в течение 100 дней погрузиться в мир веб-разработки на Python с практическими проектами.

    Мы не начинаем с абсолютного нуля с точки зрения программирования, но если вы новичок в Python, у нас есть приложение к языку,
    и мы начинаем несколько медленно. К концу курса мы попадаем в проекты Python среднего уровня.

    Что вы узнаете на этом курсе?
    100DaysOfWeb в Python - это не только время. Истинная сила заключается в том, чтобы эффективно использовать это время с индивидуальным набором проектов. Вот почему у нас есть 24 практических проекта, каждый из которых сочетается с 20-60-минутными видео уроками в начале проекта.

    Просто небольшая выборка проектов, над которыми вы будете работать:
    • Создайте свой собственный статический сайт
    • Используйте API Star и pytest для создания и тестирования API
    • Введение в рамки Flask
    • Изучите Javascript, сделав калькулятор и счетчик калорий
    • Создание базы данных SQLAlchemy
    • Используйте Docker для контейнерирования ваших приложений
    • Создайте веб-инструмент отслеживания счетов с помощью Pyramid
    • Используйте React для создания пользовательских интерфейсов Javascript
    • Selenium тестирование многочисленных веб-функций
    • Создание приложения Django с функциональностью регистрации и входа
    • Web Scraping с помощью BeautifulSoup4 и magazine3k
    • И еще 17 проектов!
    Welcome to the course
    Welcome to the course
    The rules of #100DaysOfCode
    Topics covered
    Why Python for #100DaysOfCode
    Course flow
    Meet your instructors
    Need a Python primer?
    Git the source code
    Three devs are better than one
    Julian's setup
    Bob's setup
    Michael's setup
    PyBites code challenge platform
    Video player: A quick feature tour​
    Days 1-4: Flask Intro
    Introduction to Flask
    Your Next 4 Days
    Install and Setup Flask
    Setup your Flask app as a package
    Create __init.py__
    Define your Flask app routes in routes.py
    Run your Flask app!
    Persistent FLASK_APP environment variable using python-dotenv
    Creating a basic index.html Flask Template
    Creating the base.html Flask Template
    A new template for a 100DaysOfCode page
    Using CSS, create Menu Bar in the Base Template
    Day 4: Your Turn - What did we learn?​
    Days 5-8: HTML and HTML5
    HTML Chapter Intro
    HTML is easy right?
    A little HTML history
    Our editor for this chapter: WebStorm
    Yahoo, circa 1996
    Building Yaahoo
    Concept: Core HTML tags
    Form basics
    Describing form elements
    Client-side validation
    Days 9-12: API Star
    Lesson introduction
    What are APIs, why you want them and API Star
    Getting fake cars data with Mockeroo
    API Star structure and its type system
    API methods: GET and POST, testing with Postman
    API methods: PUT and DELETE
    Testing your API with pytest
    Day 3 & 4 - Your turn: build your own API​
    Days 13-16: CSS Layout and Design
    CSS chapter intro
    Goals of this chapter
    CSS Zen Garden
    Concept: Structure of a CSS file
    Demo app introduction
    Demo: Exploring CSS selectors
    Concept: Inheritance and specialization
    Demo: Box model
    Concept: Controlling the box in CSS
    Demo: Layout
    Demo: Floating elements
    Concept: Floating elements
    Areas to research further
    Your-turn: Day 2
    Your-turn: Day 3
    Your-turn: Day 4​
    Days 17-20: Calling APIs in Flask
    Introduction: Calling APIs in Flask
    Your 4 day overview
    Environment setup
    Passing variables between Flask app code and a Template
    Working with the Chuck Norris API
    Passing our Chuck Norris joke to a Template
    Investigating the Poke API
    Creating a form in our Pokemon Template
    Breaking down the Poke API response
    Writing the Pokemon route
    Returning the data to the Pokemon Template
    Day 4: Your Turn - What did we learn?​
    Days 21-24: Async Flask APIs with Quart
    Introducing asynchronous web programming
    Synchronous execution concepts
    Synchronous execution demo
    Asynchronous Python execution with async and await
    Asynchronous execution concepts
    Your turn: Day 2 - Async program
    Flask will never be async capable
    Introducing our web app: The cityscape API
    Converting from Flask to Quart
    Adding an async view method / controller method
    Async all the things
    Concept: Quart
    Performance comparison: Flask vs Quart
    Your turn: Day 4 - Async Flask conversion​
    Days 25-28: JavaScript Introduction
    Lesson introduction
    4 day plan
    History and why JavaScript
    How to run JS in your browser / terminal / IDE
    Variables (var vs let) and data types
    Conditionals and control flow
    Day 2: 4 JS exercises
    The Document Object Model (DOM) - targeting elements
    DOM part II: add/remove childs, override CSS, event listeners
    Debugging JavaScript
    Common JS gotchas
    Further study
    Day 4: simple calculator and calorie tracker​
    Days 29-32: Static Sites
    Introduction: Static Sites
    Your 4 day overview
    What exactly is a static site anyway?
    Setup: Create your repo
    Configure Pelican
    Writing our first post!
    Generating the site
    Setting up and deploying to Netlify
    Linking to static content
    How sweet is Netlify auto-build?
    Creating a dedicated static page
    Custom domains on Netlify
    What did we learn?​
    Days 33-36: Database access with SQLAlchemy
    Introducing SQLAlchemy
    Our demo app: A scooter sharing startup
    Who uses SQLAlchemy?
    SQLAlchemy Architecture
    Scooter share data model
    Setting up our app
    Modeling with classes
    The rest of the classes
    Connecting to our DB
    Creating the database schema and tables
    The database is created
    The rest of the queries
    Importing starter data
    Finishing the app
    Listen to the interview
    Your turn: Days 3 and 4​
    Days 37-40: Introduction to Pyramid framework
    Pyramid chapter intro
    Our demo application
    A spectrum of frameworks
    Pyramid principles
    Get back story
    Creating the app: Intro
    Creating the app: Via the CLI
    Creating the app: Via PyCharm
    A tour of a Pyramid project
    Reorganizing our app
    Adding the data models
    Home page (fake data)
    Home page (database data)
    HTML towards details and a better design
    Design and hero images
    Adding the details route
    Paying a bill: Submitting forms
    Concept: Chameleon
    Your-turn: Day 3
    Your-turn: Day 4​
    Days 41-44: React: JavaScript user interfaces
    Intro: what is React, why use it?
    Brushing up some ES6 (modern) JS
    Bootstrap our app with create-react-app
    JSX and rendering a tip component
    Interlude: Python Tips API back-end setup
    Using classes and state in React
    Calling the tips API using axios
    Filter tips while typing in a search field
    Style matching tips with react-highlight-words
    Day 2: build your own API front-end using React
    Structuring our Free Monkey (hangman) app
    Constructor, componentDidMount, and first render
    Setting the initial game state
    Creating letter buttons with event handlers
    Matching guess letters and updating the state
    Adding CSS styles to the buttons upon guessing
    Check win/loss scenarios, adding a reset game button
    Day 4: build your own game using React​
    Days 45-48: Build a simple Django app
    Lesson introduction
    The structure of this 4 day module
    Django starter and architecture
    Demo quote CRUD app we will build
    Get Django up and running
    Basic Django configuration
    URL routing and your first view
    Create a Django model and migrate it to the DB
    Playing with the ORM in Django's shell
    Day 2: practice yourself
    The quotes app url mapping
    Create a Django form
    Write a view to list all the quotes
    Static files and the base template
    Template settings and create a child template
    Make a view/page to view an individual quote
    Write a view to add a new quote
    Write a view to edit a quote
    Write a view to delete a quote
    Refactor function-based into class-based views
    Add the quotes app to Django's admin interface
    Day 4: practice yourself​
    Day 49: Selenium
    Lesson introduction
    Virtual environment, dependencies, pytest starter code (fixtures)
    Selenium's find_element_by methods, test #1: homepage
    Test #2: testing individual book pages and JS autocomplete
    Test #3: testing the login, using the debugger with pytest
    Test #4: a test function for adding/deleting a book
    Test #5: testing changing nav links upon logout
    Optional Code Challenge: test a simple Django app​
    Day 50: Responder framework
    Introducing responder
    Key features
    Foundational projects
    What API will we build?
    Setting up the project
    Adding the 'hello world' view method
    Using dynamic HTML templates (Jinja2)
    Serving static files
    API view methods
    Adding a data backend
    Implementing the search APIs
    Cleanup and refactoring for real web apps
    Responder core concepts​
    Day 51: Twilio
    Introduction: Twilio
    Your single day overview
    Twilio account setup
    Obtaining your Twilio API key
    Write a quick and easy Twilio SMS script
    Twilio UI: Verified numbers and usage stats
    What did we learn?​
    Day 52: Anvil - Full Stack Web Apps
    Chapter intro
    What is full stack web development?
    What application will we build?
    Introducing Anvil
    Anvil's building blocks
    Anvil: New project
    Adding navigation
    Linking the forms
    Building the add document form
    Add new document validation
    Data tables
    Server-side code
    Creating the document in the database
    Add doc form finale
    All docs form
    Adding filtering to all docs form
    Adding filtering (continued)
    Viewing document details
    Publishing our Anvil app on the Internet
    Concepts of Anvil​
    Days 53-56: Django part 2 - registration and login
    Lesson introduction
    The structure of this 4 day module
    Installing and configuring django-registration
    Setting up urls.py for the two-step activation workflow
    Setting required django-registration templates
    Setting up a SendGrid account
    Django SMTP configuration and testing out email
    Adding login and logout links to the navigation bar
    Update the Quote model to associate quotes with users
    Update templates to only show edit buttons to quote owners
    Protecting views with Django's @login_required decorator
    Day 3 + 4: practice yourself​
    Days 57-60: Flask Login
    Introduction: Flask Login
    Let's start by setting some expectations
    Your 4 day overview
    Setup: Flask and Project directory
    Setup: A Barebones Flask app
    Define your database model
    Specify the db object in __init.py__
    Setup: Install SQLite DB Browser
    Create the database!
    Make the create-user Jinja Template
    Add functionality to create users
    Specify the app secret key
    Let's add some users!
    Incorporate Flask-Login
    Test it! Login to the app
    Create a quick logout page
    What did we learn?​
    Days 61-64: Database migrations
    Introduction to db migrations
    Seeing the problem in action
    Installing Alembic
    Fix an error: Alembic distribution not found
    Concept: Review configuring Alembic
    Automatically detecting schema changes
    Where is the DB version stored?
    Concept: Alembic migrations
    Your-turn: Days 2, 3, and 4​
    Days 65-68: Heroku and Python Platform-as-a-Service
    Introduction: Heroku
    Your 4 day overview
    Setup your Heroku account and install the Heroku CLI
    Setting up the local app and Heroku environment
    Deploy and launch your first Heroku app!
    What are Heroku addons?
    Install Heroku scheduler
    Automate sending emails with Heroku scheduler
    Heroku SendGrid addon setup
    Use SendGrid to send an email
    What did we learn?​
    Days 69-72: Django REST Framework
    Lesson intro
    Virtual env, install dependencies and quotes app
    Writing a custom django-admin command
    Create a simple Django REST API
    Implement the other CRUD methods
    Django REST permissions: authentication and authorization
    API documentation with Swagger
    Day 3 + 4: Your turn - build your own API​
    Days 73-76: Web Scraping
    Introduction: Web Scraping
    Your next 4 days
    Prepare to scrape!
    Dive into BeautifulSoup4 and Talk Python
    Write a Talk Python Training web scraping script
    Installing and introducing newspaper3k
    Extra! Extra! Student scrapes a news article!
    What did we learn?​
    Days 77-80: Twitter and Slack bots
    Lesson intro
    4 day plan
    Project: automate #100DaysOfCode tweeting
    Dependencies and outline script
    Manage config data with configparser
    Turn on logging
    Get a tweet with requests and BeautifulSoup
    Post to Twitter with tweepy
    Easy command line interface with argparse
    Day 2 - Your turn / Twitter API practice
    Project: random book slash command
    Create a Slack app and slash command
    Create a Flask app and call our books API
    Response data and Slack message formatting
    Testing out the slash command with ngrok
    Day 4 - Your turn / Slack API practice​
    Days 81-84: Unit testing web apps
    Why test web apps?
    Testing challenges of web applications
    3 types of tests
    Setting up the app to be tested
    Adding view models
    View models applied to details page
    View models and forms
    Concept: View models
    Our first unit test
    Mocking out database access
    More view model tests
    Concept: View model unit tests
    View unit tests: index page
    Running all the tests at once
    Concept: Testing view methods
    Writing the functional tests
    Concept: Functional tests
    Concept: Web testing pareto principle
    Your turn: Testing a web app​
    Days 85-88: Serverless Python with AWS Lambda
    Lesson intro
    A practical Lambda use case: CodeChalleng.es
    4 day plan, PEP8 Checker app, setup
    Build a simple Bottle web app
    First Lambda: a simple calculator (using operator)
    Creating Lambda test events
    The glue: setting up AWS Gateway API
    Second Lambda: PEP8 Checker (using pycodestyle)
    Uploading a Lambda with external dependencies
    Day 3 + 4: Your turn - create your own Lambda​
    Days 89-92: Deploying Python web apps to Linux
    Deploy introduction
    Deployment moving parts overview
    Deployment: What app to install?
    Where to host our server
    Creating our virtual server
    Connecting and updating the Linux server
    Server software config
    Getting the Python source files on the server
    Setting up uWSGI
    Serving through nginx
    A final check-in on the server
    Concept: uWSGI setup
    Concept: nginx setup
    Deploying Flask web apps
    Deploying Django web apps
    Your turn: Deployment​
    Days 93-96: Vue.js - JavaScript user interfaces
    Vue.js Chapter Introduction
    What does a simple Vue.js app look like?
    The starter project: Movie Exploder
    Creating the Vue app instance
    Enabling the Vue.js Plugin in PyCharm and WebStorm
    Repeating data and HTML blocks
    Concept: Repeating data
    First, with fake data
    Detailed movie details
    Conditional rendering
    Concept: Conditional rendering
    Searching movies event
    Top ten button
    Displaying and selecting genres
    A nicer dropdown
    Selecting the genre
    Install the Vue.js devtools
    Your turn: Day 2
    Searching movies via the API and axios
    Concept: Calling API with axios
    Genres via the service
    Top 10 movies from API
    Movies by genre through the API
    Setting attributes with Vue.js
    Look; no semicolons
    Your turn: Day 4​
    Days 97-100: Docker and Docker Compose
    Introduction to Docker chapter
    Container history: Boats
    Container history: Operating systems
    Installing Docker on macOS, Windows, and Linux
    Docker nomenclature
    Code setup
    Choosing a Docker base image
    Running a Docker container
    Productivity with Docker plugins for Pycharm
    Building a Docker image
    Installing glances
    Nginx config for our static site
    Serving external traffic from Docker
    Using the local services container
    Docker image for our Python services
    Running the system as a whole
    Docker cleanup and reclaiming disk space
    Keep your Docker DRY (refactoring)
    Concept: Dockerfile for the static site
    Concept: Core Docker commands
    Your-turn, day 2
    Concept: Introduction to docker-compose
    Building the services with docker-compose
    Your-turn, day 4​
    You've done it!
    What you've learned
    Make sure you have the source
    Stay immersed in Python
    Continue to challenge yourself with PyBites
    Thanks and goodbye​
    Appendix: Python language concepts
    Concept: The shape of a program
    Concept: Variables
    Concept: Truthiness
    Concept: If else
    Concept: Complex conditionals
    Concept: for-in
    Concept: Calling functions
    Concept: Creating functions
    Concept: File I/O
    Concept: Imports and importing modules
    Concept: Python package index
    Concept: pip
    Concept: Virtual environments
    Concept: Slicing
    Concept: Tuples
    Concept: Named tuples
    Concept: Classes
    Concept: objects vs. classes
    Concept: Inheritance
    Concept: Polymorphism
    Concept: Dictionaries
    Concept: Error handling
    Concept: lambdas
    Concept: list comprehensions
    Concept: Want more foundational Python?​

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